by Sharon Simmons | Sep 12, 2020 | Uncategorized
We had 14 participants in our Zoom class! It was tremendously fun. All local TimeBankers except a new woman joining from New York! She was delightful. Here are Jan DeCourtney’s main concepts/ideas and learning points: The main ways to prepare for disaster/urgent food...
by Jan DeCourtney, Co-President | Apr 20, 2017 | Uncategorized
How many of you were in Denver on Saturday (January 21) for the Women’s March? (About three people raised their hand). How many of you wished you had been there? (Almost everybody in the room raised their hand). Did you know that there were 673 different sister...
by Jan DeCourtney | Jun 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
SkillShare’s members are so wonderful!! Your leadership teams think you deserve to be recognized with great appreciation and celebration. Howard Lambert, our Primary Coordinator, proposed giving awards quarterly to celebrate the sharing and giving that goes on in our...
by Jan DeCourtney | Jun 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
Those who have been TimeBanking for a while cannot sing its praises enough! Here are some of the valuable features of our alternative economy and the community it creates. Our People and Our Community are Diverse and Unified Our TimeBank is a community with the...
by Jan DeCourtney | Jun 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
Dear SkillShare Friends, SkillShare events are a popular way for members to learn new skills, be entertained, make connections with other members, obtain useful information, eat delicious food, and participate in community! We’ve had some awesome events in the past,...
by Dara Jordan-Davies | May 18, 2016 | Exchange Stories, Uncategorized
Dorothy Cohen and I have traded hours organizing our respective ever-growing and overwhelming paperwork monster. We have worked in each other’s homes once and have scheduled more now that spring snows are no longer rendering us housebound. We both enjoyed the ideas,...