Changing our economy and culture to one which truly respects and serves the planet and all people is part of what Time Bank Boulder is about. Right Relationship Boulder focuses on helping Indigenous Peoples feel welcome and teaching about their heritage, especially those whose homeland we live in.
I became involved with RRB by attending a workshop called Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change which traced the historic and ongoing impacts of the Doctrine of Discovery, the 15th-century justification for European subjugation of Indigenous (non-Christian, non-white) peoples. It focused on increasing knowledge and understanding regarding the impacts of these devastating policies both in the past and even today in our institutions and ourselves and then explore ways to take action toward righting our relationships with those whose land we occupy.
And whose land might that be? If you are reading this newsletter as a member of TBB, you live on the homeland of the Ute, Arapaho, and Cheyenne, who are being welcomed by Right Relationship Boulder in cooperation with the City of Boulder into healing relationships with the land and people residing here.
This fascinating workshop is being offered again (for free) at the CU Bioneers “Front Range Eco Social Solutions” event on February 8, at 9:30AM. Please go to for registration details and other dates.
RRB meets once a month and our meetings are always open to the public. Their next meeting is February 19 from 6:00 to 8:00PM. Email Paula Palmer, RRB’s Director at to get on the mailing list to be informed of meetings and events.
Currently we offer opportunities to learn, to educate others, and to offer events, especially those which carry out the tenants of the Resolution for Indigenous People’s Day.