Spring has arrived and there are fun plans in the works for TimeBank Boulder!

Those of you who like to declare your loyalties via your clothing will have a chance to purchase a TBB t-shirt. Your first opportunity to make this purchase comes at our next potluck, which is scheduled for Sunday, April 23rd. More information is available is on page 4 of this issue.

We are purchasing TBB aprons for the volunteers at events such as the Farmer’s Market, making them VERY easy to spot!
Last month’s article talked about the Incentives Team working on ideas for ways to encourage exchanges (remember chocolate? pizza? more chocolate?). The team could use more members with interesting out-of-the-box ideas to motivate TBB members to keep those exchanges happening. Contact David Ziskin if you are teeming with ideas that NEED TO BE SHARED! We would appreciate your contribution!

The TBB Resource Library (items that members would be willing to loan to others) is another way to make an exchange. For the person who doesn’t own whatever item is needed, being able to borrow it from another TBB member allows them to avoid having to buy or rent the item and get the job done without any cash outlay. Items to be loaned out can be listed as an “offer” and the loaner can stipulate the conditions under which the loan will be made (for example, the borrower may keep the item for up to a week OR the borrower must pick up the item and return it at the appointed time OR the item can be borrowed for 2 T$’s OR …whatever). You, yes YOU, can become another TBB member’s new favorite person by loaning them an item that is just taking up space in your basement, but can make their life immensely easier, at least for the moment! What a nice way to spread a little light in the world! (And earn $TD at the same time.)

The Board has just adopted a new policy regarding the payment of time dollars for various TBB events, like workshops, entertainment, and social events. There is a separate article, beginning on page 1, that outlines all the details. Check it out!
There are many exciting activities being planned and you won’t want to miss any of them!

As always, your Board of Directors appreciates your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Contact any one of us. We’d love to hear from you! Happy Spring!