Spring has arrived, and with it has come fresh ideas for leadership development for the Board of Directors of today and tomorrow. A packet of information that will be given to all present and future Board members is currently in development and will include such information as the mission statement, by-laws, summary of policies, job descriptions for board members and committee chairs, a flow chart of board responsibilities, current SKOOP, board member best practices, and a summary of the consensus process the board uses to make decisions. This will provide an excellent orientation to new board members, a platform for Board cohesion and productivity, and an easy reference. Another change allows each member who wishes to do so to have the opportunity to conduct a board meeting over the course of their tenure.
The marketing/website team is continuing their work on revamping the website and, in Jan DeCourtney’s words, “The new website is going to be AWESOME!” As each new piece is put into place, prospective and current members will find the website more informative and user-friendly. There are many exciting changes happening with this project!

The Farmer’s Market season is underway and members are still needed to help with coordination and “personing” our booth. Please get in touch with Jan DeCourtney as soon as possible if you can help in any way. It’s a great excuse to spend a few hours sitting in the sun and watching the community go by.

SkillShare members love to get together and enjoy each other’s company, so the Potluck committee is working on a schedule of gatherings for the remainder of the year. Potlucks are tentatively scheduled for June, August, and late September or early October. More specific information will be shared once plans are solidified.

The Board would love to have you be a part of any and all upcoming meetings.  Let any member of the board know that you’d like to attend and we’ll send you the location information. Bring your ideas and comments, which are always welcome! And if you can’t make it but want to have your voice heard, call or email a member of the board.
Enjoy this great weather!