April’s meeting of the SkillShare Board of Directors addressed a number of timely topics, among which was the start of the Boulder Farmer’s Market. We hope to have at least a once -a-month presence at the Farmer’s Market to spread the word about SkillShare and the benefits of membership. A coordinator to spearhead these efforts and additional members to staff the SkillShare table at the market are still needed. If you are able to assist, please contact Jan DeCourtney.
Ed Narvaez, who is actively involved with the marketing team and is assisting with the website re-vamp attended the meeting to give an update. He shared a very informative Power Point presentation and described marketing strategies and efforts that could improve SkillShare’s visibility and encourage people to join and enjoy the benefits of membership.
Howard Lambert has turned the membership coordinator duties over to Jay Wyshak, who is learning about his new responsibilities. Howard will continue to facilitate New Member Orientation sessions, along with Ashley Doriss and Jake Simpson. Share information about SkillShare with your friends and neighbors who might benefit from joining, and Howard, Ashley, and Jake are ready to show them the ropes!
If you have questions or comments that you would like the Board to address at a future meeting or if you would like to attend a Board meeting (all members are welcome), please contact any of the Board members. Have a great month!