SkillShare had its Spring Potluck on April 25th. About 25 folks attended, including current and future members.
We were entertained by Overflow, the duet/band featuring the lovely and talented Athena Valentina and SkillShare member Jay Wyshak. They performed during the social hour, with several members getting up and dancing. We had great food and then president Jan DeCourtney spoke about our interest in expanding what Boulder SkillShare TimeBank is doing, with offers for positions where people can use their creativity, learn and help others. Please consider sharing your time.

This was followed by members announcing something they need (requests) and something they’d like to do for others (offers). The discussion was characterized by the wonderful warmth and caring of the members of this organization.

There was wonderful food and lots of socializing and networking, making and strengthening connections and friendships, and
camaraderie. Many thanks to Dorothy Cohen who coordinated the event, and to Jordan Davies
for assisting. Potlucks are one way that our members enjoy the warmth of a caring and supportive
community. It’s fun to see those you’ve helped and who help you, and to make new

Our Potluck Team will be planning more such events — on different days of the week, at different times, and at different locations — to provide opportunities for as many members as
possible to attend at least once each year. Knowing other members makes all the difference in being part of this community. It adds a dimension of familiarity and friendship that enhances belonging to our organization If you have access to a place where we can hold a potluck please contact Dorothy Cohen(

The next pot luck will be June 5th at Bonnie Sundance’s home just above Nederland.