Thanks for your interest in participating in the Spring TimeDollar Fair by sharing your skills with our community!  To do so, you just need to follow these three simple steps:

Deadline for entering a Service or Item into the Fair is Thursday May 17, 2012!

1) Decide what Offer you’d like to enter

Please note that your service or item should fit within the Offer Categories we are showcasing: Yard and Garden, Home Improvement, Lessons & Education, Miscellaneous Services, New & Used Goods for Sale.

2) Login to your SkillShare account and create a NEW Offer Ad following these instructions:

a) Click on the “My Account” tab and scroll down to your “Current Offers” box.
b) Click on “Post a New Offer of a Service” right below the words “Current Offers”
c) IMPORTANT! For the Category, select the Category that is most appropriate for your service.  For example, a weeding Offer would go under the category Home; subcategory Garden & Yard work
d) Start the title of your Ad with “Spring TimeDollar Fair Offering – ” so, an example title would be, “Spring TimeDollar Fair Offering – help weeding your garden”
e) List all important details in the “In Detail” box including any limitations (for example, I will only provide this service to the first two members who sign up at the Fair) and the TimeDollar price and any reimbursement for materials requested (for example, this service/item costs 4 TimeDollars plus reimbursement for food ingredients).

For an example of what your Ad should look like, login to check out Laura McCall’s Offer called “Spring TimeDollar Fair Offering – Used Items for Sale for TimeDollars.”

3) Show up at the day of the Fair!

What to expect:
a) Please attend the “Giver” meeting during the set up time (2:30-3:00pm) where we will go over the information below in person.

b) If you have a Service Offering entered:
i. You will have a designated seat and name placard at the table for your Service Category (Yard and Garden, Home Improvement, Lessons & Education, Miscellaneous Services)
ii. You are expected to be at that table most of the time during the time the Fair is officially open – from 3:00-4:30pm
iii. Please bring photos or examples of your work, if possible, to help in your discussions with members.
iv. Members will approach you to discuss setting up a transaction to receive your service.
v.  If you and another member agree to make a transaction, you will fill out a Service Offer Intent Form with the details and each take a copy.  Copies of this form will be provided for you the day of the Fair.
vi. During the rest of the event, you are welcome to circulate and purchase services/goods yourself!

b) If you have New or Used Item(s) entered:
i. After the “Giver” meeting at 2:30 pm, take your item(s) to the Fair Sale table and fill out a Sale Item Form with details about the item(s).
ii. Feel free to circulate throughout the Fair and set up services or purchase items yourself.
iii. When a member buys your item(s), he/she will pay for it at the Check-Out table.  There will be a laptop where the TimeDollars can be logged and we will also have a cash box for collecting any materials reimbursement US dollars owed.
iv.  At the end of the Fair, be sure to stop by Check-Out to see how many TimeDollars you made and also collect your reimbursement US dollars.

If you have any questions, please contact the Spring TimeDollar Fair Coordinator, Laura McCall, at