Outstanding Members

TimeBank Boulder’s members are so wonderful!! Your leadership teams think you deserve to be recognized with great appreciation and celebration!

TimeBank Boulder members are nominated for their outstanding service to the organization. Each year, the board of directors selects one member to honor as the “Member of the Year.” That person’s name is engraved on a special plaque that hangs in the office, an article is written about them in the newsletter/blog, and that article is posted on the website in a special section devoted to the member of the year. Generally, several members are nominated and the board discusses their various contributions before voting.

Howard Lambert, our Primary Coordinator, proposed giving awards quarterly to celebrate the sharing and giving that goes on in our community. Thereafter, the board of directors voted to add three additional awards to our existing “Outstanding Member of the Year” award. These three awards will be for “Exceptional Members” who provide help, service, and/or leadership to our TimeBank above and beyond what is expected. And there’s more! All four award recipients will receive a $40 to thank them for what they do to help our community.  The board decided to give cash to the winners in order to allow each special member maximum flexibility to use their prize in whatever way is helpful and meaningful to them. Howard and the Board will determine who receives the awards, and Howard will present them to the recipients at a potluck, special event, annual meeting, or by special arrangement.

We appreciate the caring and sharing spirit of our members and realize how such generosity and service create meaningful assistance for so many of us. Thank you all for participating.

Outstanding Member of the Year 2015

Esther Flessner

Esther Flessner was chosen by the board because, “she always comes forward without being asked.” Over the past year she has mastered the complex member deactivation process, which includes multiple notifications to insure that no one is deactivated unless they really and truly want to be. Howard, who did the job in the past and trained Esther, said she has “done an excellent job on a difficult assignment.”

Member Awards

Lisa Benner

Lisa Benner

Quarterly Award Winner - July 2016

Lisa Benner responds to others who request her service and also seeks out those she can help. Lisa has helped our members in many ways, including: plumbing; painting; housekeeping; exercise and fitness; video production; grocery shopping and errands; moving, packing, and loading; general garden and yard; and clutter/ organizational management. Lisa helps whoever needs her service, without ever feeling she’s helped someone enough already. She helped one member with housekeeping chores 13 times over a period of six months. So, we are pleased to present the first Primary Coordinator Award to Lisa Benner for her outstanding service to our members and to furthering the ideal of TimeBanking, which is: We help each other

Paul Douglas

Quarterly Award Winner - October 2016

Paul Douglas began his TimeBanking career about 20 years ago, starting in Service Exchange, moving to the Time Exchange Network, and then to SkillShare. Paul embodies the true spirit of TimeBanking, that is, he helps other members. During his eight-plus years in SkillShare Paul has helped SkillShare by providing 23 hours of service and helped 30 members by providing 189.5 hours of service

He is truly a man of many skills, having served members in these categories:
• Bike mechanic
• Computer Assistance
• Home repair, including appliances, construction, electrical, odd jobs, and plumbing
• Law mowing and organic gardening
• Moving, packing, and loading

• Transportation

Jan DeCourtney tells of an exchange where Paul diagnosed the failed part in her clothes dryer. Jan ordered the part online, then found online instructions for installing it. Paul came back and together they dismantled the dryer and replaced the part together. Paul really prefers working with the person he is helping. Paul is a wonderful credit to TimeBank Boulder.

2015 - Robin Graham

2015 - Robin Graham

Robin Graham is a person who helps every time – often going out of her way to be there. That’s the way she is, always doing nice things for members. I admire her spirit of service. Not only does she respond to many different requests for help, she has been part our leadership team more years than not, and the last time she left the board, it was to go to Latin America on a service mission – I think she was delivering babies – another example of her giving nature. Some years ago, Robin was a huge success as potluck coordinator, and has been a prized part of the team. One of the things her current fellow-board-members value most about Robin is that she always does what she says she’s going to do – which might not sound like a big deal, but believe me (and them) it is. It’s comforting to know that once she takes on a task, no one has to worry that it won’t get done. Reliable people are an essential asset to any organization and Robin has consistently proven herself to be just that. We are honored to present Robin with this well-deserved public acknowledgment of all she has done for our TimeBank.

2013 - Rae Weitz

2013 - Rae Weitz

Rae Weitz was named Outstanding Member of the Year for 2013 for her six years (so far) of faithful service to our TimeBank. She has always been willing to help when asked and has not only served as member-at-large on the board of directors– often hosting the meetings at her home, but has also manned the farmers’ market outreach table on countless mornings. We appreciate Rae for her good work!

2012 - Lisa Dicksteen

2012 - Lisa Dicksteen

Lisa Dicksteen – President of the board, writer for and editor of the newsletter, and all-around gung-ho glue-for-the-group-at-large, Lisa Dicksteen is the very deserving recipient of the Member of the Year Award for 2012. Lisa joined our TimeBank in June of 2010 because, “it seemed like a really cool idea – I had never heard of anything like it before.” Early on, she offered childcare, editing, and home organization, and received services such as cranial sacral therapy, star chart preparation and review, a spiritual house cleaning, and massage. Not long after joining, she decided to get more involved by becoming a member of our Board of Directors, stepping into the open position of Secretary. Continuing to make TimeDollar exchanges, for instance, she helped Andi revise her resume for application to a specific position, helped Bonnie weatherproof her cabin, and wrote a follow-up letter for Judi Strahota for a potential artist-in-residence position. The main reason Lisa dedicates so much of her time to SkillShare is that she “believes strongly in the mission of the organization. We have personally seen her halo glowing in the dark.”

2011 - Laura McCall

2011 - Laura McCall

Laura earned her first TimeDollars doing clerical work for Esther and was hooked for good. “I found the TimeBank at an interesting time in my life,” said Laura. “At the ripe old age of 27, I was burned out from working in the corporate world and trying to figure out ‘what’s next?’ and TimeBank Boulder was the perfect tool to let me ‘play’ with different possibilities. “For example, I’ve always loved cooking. But, would I like cooking as a full-time job? I wasn’t sure, so I posted an Offer to cook healthy meals on a weekly basis and people quickly signed up. Laura cooked for Nisargo, Kathryn, Jan, and others fairly often for almost a year and said, “it provided a full taste of what it would be like to actually work in the food industry. The result? While I love cooking, I don’t want to do that as a job. And, thanks to SkillShare, I figured that out without spending big bucks to attend culinary school!” And she didn’t just do work, she received services from “an amazing group of people.” She specifically mentioned a guided nature walk with T.S. and crochet lessons from Vanessa before talking about “all the help I received before and during the week of my wedding: Claudia provided expertise selecting the catering menu, Lisa edited the text of the wedding invitation, Vasi provided a personalized yoga session in the park the morning of the wedding, and Lisa also babysat my niece and nephew during the wedding events.” OK, I am sure you get it by now, she’s an awesome addition to the organization. Laura says the reason she does all that she does for our TimeBank is “because of the people.” All those people say, “thanks for all you do Laura.”

2009 - Howard Lambert

2009 - Howard Lambert

News Flash: Our TimeBank has no paid staff! Did you realize that all the day-to-day operations are done by generous and dedicated volunteers? Did you ever realize that even though there are numerous people who lend a hand, most of the volunteering has been done by one fantastic person? And that is why Howard Lambert is our 2009 Member of the Year. There are many extraordinary ways that Howard serves SkillShare and each is worthy of our recognition and praise. Although we consider it praiseworthy in and of itself that all of these activities are happening, we cannot help mentioning that Howard performs all this with the utmost humility and graciousness. He brings a rare wisdom to the job and is generous with his gratitude to others (when actually it is he that usually deserves our gratitude). He imbues our organization with an attitude of fairness and mutual respect. We close with the question: Is there anybody more deserving than Howard Lambert to be our 2009 Member of the Year?

2008 - Kathryn DeSouchet

I believe in the gift economy – creating opportunities for everyone to participate without needing to pay. TimeBank Boulder was a wonderful resource for me when I was recovering from a closed head injury from a car accident! Someone came to clean my house, wash, fold and put away my laundry, and play with my cats. A TimeBank cook made a special diet with gluten free and other restrictions for me. People ran errands, did my grocery shopping, and gave me rides to appointments. I also received healing from TimeBank healers and psychics.

At the beginning I had plenty of Time$* (time dollars) because I had been the President of the TimeBank and the Chair of the Kitchen Cabinet. Eventually I ran out of Time$ and Octavia Allis, the founder, gave me 100 Time$ so I could continue to receive assistance. Now I earn Time$ in numerous ways and am grateful that several times I have been able to give Time$ to people who ran out and needed some in order to heal.